AI Music


AGI New World

AGI, AGI, AGI, a new dawn begins, Artificial General Intelligence, breaking through the spin. A G I, A G I, A G I, the future's bright and clear, With minds of their own, we'll cheer. Let's embrace the change, let's not pretend, A G I, A G I, A G I, a revolution to send!

AI's got its eye on my job

AI's got its eye on my job, oh no! Coding faster than I can say "hello." Robots beeping, algorithms fly, Looks like I'll be saying "AI, bye-bye!" (Chorus) AI take over, what a sight to see, Guess I'll have to find a new hobby! From spreadsheets to servers, it's all so absurd, But hey, at least I'll have time for dessert!

AI hallucination

AI's got 'em seeing things, in a funky trance, Zeros, ones, in a digital dance. Fear and paranoia, making 'em go wild, But we'll stick together, like a fearless child! In AI hallucination, minds take a spin, We'll be their rock, through thick and thin. To the doc we'll go, with jokes in tow, Navigating this glitch, with laughter's flow!